SGroup PDH Cup 2023

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We are happy to announce the launching of the third edition of the SGroup PhD Cup.

Each SGroup university has a spot for one participant granted. So, the applicant from each university who receives the highest score from the jury will be invited to participate in the training and in the following steps of the competition.

Please note that there is no limit to applications per institution so, if places are still available, more students from the same member can also be invited to join.


What is SGroup PhD Cup?

The training will be focused on rhetoric skills and communicating research results with wide audiences. The competition is based on the 3-Minutes Thesis pitch model.

SGroup members’ PhD candidates will be able to benefit from a soft skills online training that will be completely funded by SGroup.

They will also have the chance to compete with their video submissions.

After a 1st selection round, the top 5 PhD students will be invited by their home Universities to travel to Paris-Cergy, France, to present their 3minute pitch to the General Assembly representatives.

The 2nd round of the selection process will happen in Paris-Cergy and the PhD Student that will win this last stage of the competition will be granted one PhD Mobility Grant of up to 1.000€ to carry out research abroad, in an institution of his/her choice. 


Who can participate?

The participation is open to all PhD students that are not in their very last stage of PhD completion (as they need to still be PhD students in October 2024).
Young and active doctoral researchers are eligible if they have already achieved research results to share in their pitch.
Candidates must be formally enrolled in a PhD programme of an SGroup member or associate member university. Please note that graduates are not eligible.


How to participate?

Application form: eligible candidates can submit their application using this form:

Deadline: April 26th 2024


When will it take place?

The selected participants as well as the respective SGroup Liaison Officer and General Assembly Representatives will be informed via email on the 30th of April 2024.

The training will take place online (please ask your PhD students to make sure they are free to join the online training) on:

  • Day 1 of the PhD CUP Training – 23/05/2024
  • Day 2 of the PhD CUP Training – 24/05/2024

All selected participants will receive a certificate.

The 10 candidates with the highest scores will be announced in June.

The top 5 finalists will be invited to present their pitch live and receive their prize in person at the SGroup PhD Cup Final Ceremony at the SGroup’s Annual Meetings, namely during the General Assembly, in Paris-Cergy University, France.


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