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The International Welcome Point (IWP) was set up by the University of Valladolid International Relations Office to provide support and information to those coming from overseas institutions who are undertaking a non-regular stay at the UVa: internships, research, teaching, professional visit…
Acting as an institutional contact point, the IWP aims to provide the best conditions for work and integration for this varied group, offering them personal attention before, during and after their stay at this university. The IWP provides a comprehensive guidance service covering a range of issues that are of interest to those visiting the University of Valladolid and the city: accommodation, procedures for overseas visitors, family support, transport, schooling and/or nurseries, medical insurance, UVa card, internet access, languages, sports, parking facilities, certificates…
The IWP is located in the Foreign Students Section of the University of Valladolid International Relations Office in the Casa del Estudiante.
Download the explanatory leaflet here

University Internships and Final Degree or Master’s Projects
Foreign Students interested in doing an internship can choose any of the departments and centres of study at the University of Valladolid to reach a cooperation agreement. Likewise, these students can obtain the approval of a professor at UVa to prepare part of the Final Degree or Master's Project under his/her co-supervision with a professor from the home University.

Predoctoral and Postdoctoral Researchers
The University of Valladolid has several PhD Programmes that are managed from its Doctoral School. Likewise, the UVa Research Support Service promotes these studies through different calls for financial aid and the creation of labour contracts to work at the University Recognized Research Groups, Research Centres, Technology Centres, laboratories…

Visiting Professors
The different educational departments of the UVa try to carry out teaching exchanges in order to provide students with the most expert training possible.

Administrative Staff
The administrative services of the UVa, from the International Relations Service itself, to the secretariats and libraries of the faculties, receive and send staff people from other countries with the aim of sharing experiences on university management work.
By completing a simple registration via e-mail, the IWP provides their guests with orientation in a different range of issues.
Download the registration file here
Access to internet | Sports and Culture | Register |
Family support | Schooling and nursery | |
Accommodation | Languages: spanish and foreign language courses | UVa card |
Parking facilities | Procedures for foreigners | Certificates and Documents |
Social networks |
Phone: +34 983 42 37 19
University of Valladolid
Casa del Estudiante (Planta Baja) – C/ Real de Burgos s/n
47011 – Valladolid – Spain