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The Fundación Carolina annually launches a call for applications to undertake master and doctorate courses as well as to perform post-doctoral stays at Spanish Universities.

These scholarships are aimed at citizens from any country belonging to the Latin American Community of Nations.

The University of Valladolid, on the basis of the collaboration agreements signed with the Fundación Carolina, cofunds the mentioned scholarships so that teachers from partners universities can follow doctorate studies or perform post-doctoral stays of any subject area at our University.

The scholarships are also available to students who intend to undertake one of the masters listed below which are delivered at UVa:

  • Master in Research Applied to Education
  • Master in Physics
  • Master in Research in Vision Science

The Fundación Carolina directly manages the annual call for applications. You can accede to the call on the following link: Information (PDF – Portuguese).

CALL 2024/2025

As datas de abertura e fechamento da bolsa de pós-graduação e estudos institucionais serão respectivamente de 11 de janeiro a 14 de março de 2024, exceto o programa de ECV, que finaliza no dia 21 de fevereiro. No caso das bolsas de doutorado e estâncias curtas e de mobilidade, a convocatória estará aberta no dia 11 de janeiro e terminará no dia 4 de abril.


Teléfono: +34 983 18 49 19

Universidad de Valladolid
Servicio de Relaciones Internacionales
Casa del Estudiante (Planta Baja) – C/ Real de Burgos s/n
47011 – Valladolid – España