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LISTO is a three-year Erasmus+ capacity building project (Key Action 2) with a focus on university-industry relations, entrepreneurial skills in education and university strategies for innovation. Coordinated by the International Office of Uppsala University, the project brings together 3 universities from Europe and 7 from Latin America to facilitate an exchange of knowledge and good practice for teachers, students, innovation office staff and university management.
For more updates, follow us on Twitter: #listoproject
Specific Objectives of LISTO
Based on the conversations and detailed needs analysis of the LA partner universities, the proposal has identified a number of specific objectives:
Strengthen the way universities engage with businesses and the regional, national and international economy.
Foster the innovation capacities of the partner universities in a defined number of shared and strategic areas (e.g. biotechnology, health, ecology/bio-diversity, nano technology, information technology, internet of things).
Facilitate an intercultural and state-of-art exchange of ideas and methods in teaching entrepreneurship and innovation to students, staff and teachers.
Share experiences and develop solutions for integrating entrepreneurship modules systematically into the curriculum (focus on new subjects).
Develop strategies for creating a university-wide awareness for innovation and entrepreneurship.
Curso virtual internacional: ‘Developing Entrepreneurial Solutions in Innovative Global Networks’ |
• Características del curso: Los alumnos desarrollarán sus habilidades personales en materia de emprendimiento e innovación en un entorno multicultural, multidisciplinario e internacional.
• Duración: 30 horas distribuidas entre el 4 de marzo y el 6 de mayo de 2020.
• Requisitos: Los interesados deben poseer un nivel avanzado de inglés.
• Inscripción: hasta el 7 de febrero de 2020.
• Más información en:
Latin American and European Cooperation on Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Presentation of Results – Dissemination Webinars |
Project Acronym |
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Coordinating Institution |
Project Coordinator |
Partners |